
Year 2024

Schedule of the lectures and tutorials from Pathological physiology, General Medicine, Winter semester, Academic year 2023/2024 (01.11.2023)

Schedule of the lectures and tutorials from Pathological physiology, Dentistry, Winter semester, Academic year 2023/2024 (14.9.2023)

Schedule of the lectures and tutorials from Pathological physiology, General Medicine, Summer semester, Academic year 2023/2024 (13.2.2024)

Schedule of the lectures and tutorials from Pathological physiology, Dentistry, Summer semester, Academic year 2023/2024 (13.2.2024)

Year 2023

Schedule of the lectures and tutorials from Pathological physiology, General Medicine, Summer semester, Academic year 2022/2023

Schedule of the lectures and tutorials from Pathological physiology, General Medicine, Summer semester, Academic year 2022/2023

Schedule of the lectures and tutorials from Pathological physiology, Dentistry, Summer semester, Academic year 2022/2023

Program of pregradual education - Molecular pathophysiology 3rd study year (03/2023)
Harmonogram of study Clinical pathophysiology - voluntary subject, 3rd year, summer semester (3.3.2023)

Time schedule of lectures and lessons of Dept. of Pathophysiology in Winter term of academic year 2023/2024. (20.9.2023)

Schedule of the lectures and tutorials from Pathological physiology, General Medicine, Winter semester, Academic year 2023/2024 (01.11.2023)

Schedule of the lectures and tutorials from Pathological physiology, Dentistry, Winter semester, Academic year 2023/2024 (14.9.2023)

The second retake of credit tests (3rd and 4th special pathophysiology tests) for General Medicine and Dental medicine students will take place:
on Wednesday, June 7.2023 at 10.00 in practical laboratory of Dept. of pathophysiology (1st floor).
Students have to register for retake to e-mail address Registration e-mail has to contain: name, group, study programme (GM/DM), and retake tests (3rd and/or 4th, Y/N and/or open).

The registration deadline is 6.6.2023 at 16.00.

Exam in Pathophysiology year 2022/2023

Written part of the exam - ROGO - Monday (in the same week when the student is registered for the oral exam). The exam starts at 9:00 a.m. in auditorium P2 (2nd floor). The meeting is at 8:30 a.m. Test:
GM: 35 questions - 70 min.
DM: 30 questions - 60 min.
The test grade will be published in AIS2. In case of passing the ROGO test (grade A-E) when repeating the exam (failed oral part), the written test is not repeated. All students write the test (even in repeatedly enrolled subject).

Oral part of the exam - Tuesday - Friday according to the student's registration in AIS2. The exam takes place from 8:00 a.m. at the Institute of Pathological Physiology - 8th floor (unless otherwise specified). The course of the exam is as follows:
1) Question drawing
2) Determination of the approximate time of the exam
3) Preparation for the exam (15-20 min)
4) Answer

Doc. MUDr. R. Beňačka, CSc. head of the institute

Aditional term to test connection to the ROGO system:
19.5.2023 - 07:00-23:00
In case of connection problems or you do not see the test, contact or
At the time of the rigorous test, the institute cannot be held responsible for technical difficulties.

The written part of the rigorous test will take place through the ROGO system.
It is necessary to test the connection to the ROGO module in advance !!!
At the time of the rigorous test, the institute cannot be held responsible for technical difficulties.

It is necessary to verify access to the ROGO system in advance - Dates:
12.5.2023 - 07:00-23:00 and / or
15.5.2023 - 07:00-23:00 and / or 
17.5.2023 - 07:00-23:00
In case of connection problems or you do not see the test, contact or

The retake of winter and summer semester credit tests for General Medicine and Dental Medicine students will take place on

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 10:00 in P2 room (2nd floor).

Students have to register for retake term at the e-mail address or in person at the Department of Pathological Physiology (8th floor). The registration e-mail has to contain: name, group, study programme (GM/DM), and retaken tests (Y/N test 3, 4; open test 3, 4).
The registration deadline is on Tuesday 23.5. at 16:00.

Syllabus - summer term

Syllabus GM a DM week 14 Summer 2023.pdf
Syllabus GM a DM week 13 Summer 2023.pdf
Syllabus GM a DM week 12 Summer 2023.pdf
Syllabus GM a DM week 11 Summer 2023.pdf
Syllabus GM a DM week 10 Summer 2023.pdf
Syllabus GM a DM week 9 Summer 2023.pdf
Syllabus GM a DM week 8 Summer 2023.pdf
Syllabus GM a DM week 7 Summer 2023.pdf
Syllabus GM a DM week 6 Summer 2023.pdf
Syllabus GM a DM week 5 Summer 2023.pdf
Syllabus GM a DM week 4 Summer 2023.pdf
Syllabus GM a DM week 3 Summer 2023.pdf
Syllabus GM a DM week 2 Summer 2023.pdf
Syllabus GM a DM week 1 Summer 2023.pdf

Year 2022

Credit tests topics

Topics of 1st credit test - GM (October/2022)
Topics of 1st credit test - DM (October/2022)
Topics of 2nd credit test - GM (December/2022)
Topics of 2nd credit test - DM (December/2022)
Topics of 3rd credit test GM (March/2023)
Topics of 3rd credit test DM (March/2023)
Topics of 4th credit test GM (March/2022)
Topics of 4th credit test DM (March/2022)
Topics of 5th credit test GM (May/2022)
Topics of 5th credit test DM (May/2022)

Syllabus winter term

Syllabus winter semester 2022/2023 14. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2022/2023 13. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2022/2023 12. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2022/2023 11. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2022/2023 10. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2022/2023 9. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2022/2023 8. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2022/2023 7. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2022/2023 6. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2022/2023 5. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2022/2023 4. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2022/2023 3. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2022/2023 2. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2022/2023 1. week GM DM

Information on the final exam in Pathological Physiology in the first three weeks of teaching of the winter semester of school year 2022/2023.

Final exam in Pathological Physiology for students with a re-registered subject in AY 2022/2023 will take place: written part on Thursday 22.9.2022 at 17:00, oral part on Friday 23.9.2022 at 13:00. The written part will be distant in the form of an online rogo test. The oral part will be presence and will take place at the Department of Pathological Physiology. In the case of a re-registered subject, the student is required to complete both parts of the exam, written and oral.

Please note that according to Art. 13, point 9 of the Study rules of procedure UPJŠ MF, when re-registering the study subject, the student is entitled to one regular date and one retake date in a given school year.


Pathophysiology exam - study year 2021/2022

Written part of the exam - ROGO - Monday (always in the week when there is an oral exam). The exam starts at 9.00 am. in Lecture room 1. Students are to come at 8:30 am.
Test: GM: 35 questions - 70 min., DM: 30 questions - 60 min. Mark is to be announced in AIS2. The written test is obligatory for all students including those repeating the subject in new examination period. In the same exam period, passed written test (grade A-E) does not need to be repeated when student failed in oral exam.

Oral part of the exam - Tuesdays - Fridays (according to the student's registration in AIS2.
1) Drawing a question
2) Assignment of examiner
3) Preparation (15-20 min)
4) Answer

R. Beňačka, MD, PhD, Assoc. prof.
Head of the department

The second retake of summer semester credit tests for General Medicine and Dental Medicine students will take place on

Friday, June 3, 2022 at 8:30 in P1 room (2nd floor).
GM - test Y/N - 60 min., Open questions - 60 min.
DM - test Y/N - 45 min., Open questions - 60 min.

Students have to register for retake term at the e-mail address or in person at the Department of Pathological Physiology (8th floor). The registration e-mail has to contain: name, group, study programme (GM/DM), and retaken tests (Y/N test 3, 4, 5; open test 3, 4, 5). Registration deadine is on Thursday 2.6.2022 14:00.

It is necessary to test the connection to the ROGO module in advance !!!
At the time of the rigorous test, the institute cannot be held responsible for technical difficulties.

19.5.2022 - 08:00-23:00 -
In case of connection problems or you do not see the test, contact or

The first retake of summer semester credit tests for General Medicine and Dental Medicine students will take place on

Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 9:00 in P1 room (2nd floor).
GM - test Y/N - 60 min., Open questions - 60 min.
DM - test Y/N - 45 min., Open questions - 60 min.

Students have to register for retake term at the e-mail address or in person at the Department of Pathological Physiology (8th floor). The registration e-mail has to contain: name, group, study programme (GM/DM), and retaken tests (Y/N test 3, 4, 5; open test 3, 4, 5).

The written part of the rigorous test will take place through the ROGO system.
It is necessary to verify access to the ROGO system in advance - Dates:
7.5.2022 - 08:00-23: 00 and / or
9.5.2022 - 08:00-23: 00 and / or 
16.5.2022 - 08:00-23: 00
In case of connection problems or you do not see the test, contact or

Current information on 4th credit test.

The 4th credit test (nervous system and kidneys) will start in the 8th week from 7.4.2022 (Thursday) and will continue in the 9th week until 13.4.2022 (Wednesday) according to the schedule of individual groups. The change applies to both General Medicine and Dental Medicine programmes.

The change of dates of credit test was necessitated by personnel changes at the Department and COVID quarantine measures. Thank you for your understanding

Announcement for Dental Medicine students:

Test No. 4 from Nervous system and Kidneys will be written:
DM group No. 1 – Tuesday in 9th week (12.4.2022) during practical lesson
DM group No. 2 and 3 – Friday in 10th week (22.4.2022) during practical lesson.


Syllabus summer semester 2021/2022 14. week GM DM
Syllabus summer semester 2021/2022 13. week GM DM
Syllabus summer semester 2021/2022 12. week GM DM
Syllabus summer semester 2021/2022 11. week GM DM
Syllabus summer semester 2021/2022 10. week GM DM
Syllabus summer semester 2021/2022 9. week GM DM
Syllabus summer semester 2021/2022 8. week GM DM
Syllabus summer semester 2021/2022 7. week GM DM
Syllabus summer semester 2021/2022 6. week GM DM
Syllabus summer semester 2021/2022 5. week GM DM
Syllabus summer semester 2021/2022 4. week GM DM
Syllabus summer semester 2021/2022 3. week GM DM
Syllabus summer semester 2021/2022 2. week GM DM
Syllabus summer semester 2021/2022 1. week GM DM

Year 2021


As announced at the beginning of the semester method to be used for either part of credit test is dependent on the current form of study in a given week (present/distant) as noted in COVID automat.

a) ROGO test (multiple choice) is going to be held distantly in a given time in the afternoon. Exact information will be provided next week

b) Open part of the test (quiz) is going to be done in the following alternative ways:
- on seminars - in the case of full-time present study - distantly - in a given time in the case of distant study.

The ROGO test results will be in the AIS. The results from open part of the test will be announced after three weeks on exercises and written to the AIS.

Doc. Beňačka, head

Retake test 2 - distanced

Correction test Retake 2 is composed of the same parts and same timing as credit test during the semester: 1 ROGO and 1 OPEN test. (Time of ROGO test for GEN and DEN differs and is denoted below). Students can choose to correct only those parts (ROGO or OPEN of Credit tests 1 (Etiology) and 2 (Pathogenesis)) which they failed. After logging to ROGO student can choose appropriate test: Etiology or Pathogenesis. After opening Sharepoint for downloading OPEN test students can choose appropriate test they want to correct. Check the test version thoroughly please. Time to finish OPEN test is 60 min.

Students have to register by email to secretary office or to an address The registration e-mail has to contain: name, group, study programe (GM/DM), and chosen retake parts. Students can register only for 1 ROGO test and for 1 OPEN test per one retake term in various variants (e.g. ROGO (Etiol) + OPEN (Etiol) or ROGO (Patho) + OPEN (Etiol) and similar or merely OPEN (Etiol) or only OPEN (Patho). Registration finishes on Wednesday 2.2.2022 at 9:00 a.m. It is necessary to be actively interested in the test result.


Rogo -
(see in test name - Etiology or Pathogenesis)
DM 14.00 - 14.45
GM 14.00 - 15.00

Open Questions
DM and GM - 15.30 - 16.30

Retake test 1 - distanced

Correction test Retake 1 is composed of the same parts and same timing as credit test during the semester: 1 ROGO and 1 OPEN test. (Time of ROGO test for GEN and DEN differs and is denoted below). Students can choose to correct only those parts (ROGO or OPEN of Credit tests 1 (Etiology) and 2 (Pathogenesis)) which they failed. After logging to ROGO student can choose appropriate test: Etiology or Pathogenesis. After opening Sharepoint for downloading OPEN test students can choose appropriate test they want to correct. Check the test version thoroughly please. Time to finish OPEN test is 60 min.

Students have to register by email to secretary office or to an address The registration e-mail has to contain: name, group, study programe (GM/DM), and chosen retake parts. Students can register only for 1 ROGO test and for 1 OPEN test per one retake term in various variants (e.g. ROGO (Etiol) + OPEN (Etiol) or ROGO (Patho) + OPEN (Etiol) and similar or merely OPEN (Etiol) or only OPEN (Patho). Registration finishes on Wednesday 12.1.2022 at 9:00 a.m.


Rogo -
(see in test name - Etiology or Pathogenesis)
DM 14.00 - 14.45
GM 14.00 - 15.00

Open Questions
DM and GM - 15.30 - 16.30

The second credit test (topics see below) will take place in 13th teaching week

ROGO test (Yes/No) -
In case of connection problems or you do not see the test, contact In rare cases, the connection to the server may be lost while the test is being completed and the test may not be finished. In that case, take screenshots with the answers marked and send these screenshots to The test will be evaluated manually.

DM - Friday - 17.12. - 16:00-16:45
GM - Friday - 17.12. - 16.15-17:15

Open Questions - distanced

A link to download file - Word (* .docx) will be actual at the specified time.
(It uses service of Office365 SharePoint - you will be prompted to sign with your account Office365)

terms and links:
DM - Friday - 17.12.  from 17:15 to 18:00
GM - Friday - 17.12.  from 17:45 to 18:45

Download the file on your PC. Then edit the file. Students have to send their filled files to an email account of the group teacher within a 5 minute interval after the time limit denoted for a Open question quiz. Attached file has to contain following obligatory identificators:
name.surnameGrXY where X is a group number, Y means GM or DM. Students are advised to pre-prepare e-mail with teacher's email addresses in advance to save time by simply dropping an attachment and sending it.

The first credit test will take place in 6th teaching week

ROGO test (Yes/No) terms:

GM - 28.10.2021 from 17:00 to 18:00
DM - 28.10.2021 from 15:00 to 15:45

Open questions - at the lessons.


Syllabus winter semester 2021/2022 14. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2021/2022 13. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2021/2022 12. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2021/2022 11. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2021/2022 10. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2021/2022 9. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2021/2022 8. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2021/2022 7. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2021/2022 6. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2021/2022 5. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2021/2022 4. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2021/2022 3. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2021/2022 2. week GM DM
Syllabus winter semester 2021/2022 1. week GM DM


Information on the final exam in Pathological Physiology in the first three weeks of teaching of the winter semester of school year 2021/2022.

Final exam in Pathological Physiology for students with a re- enrolled subject in AY 2020/2021 will take place: written part on Monday 27.9.2021 at 15:30, oral part on Thursday 30.9.2021 at 14:00.
According to Art. 13, point 13 of the Study rules of procedure UPJŠ MF: A student of the Faculty who has fulfilled the conditions for passing the enrolled subject by taking the exam, but did not pass it successfully in the given academic year and wants to complete the subject as a re-enrolled subject in the first three weeks of teaching in the winter semester in the following academic year must submit an application by 31st August the latest. The examination according to the first sentence can be performed only with the prior consent of the subject guarantor.
Based on the above mentioned, students who are interested in applying for the final exam in Pathological Physiology within this period must apply in writing for the consent of the head of the department. The application must state the reason why the student could not pass the exam in the regular examination period of the school year 2020/2021 or why this will not be possible in the regular summer examination period of school. year 2021/2022. Applications should be addressed to the secretary e-mail
The exam consists of a written and an oral part. The written part will be in the form of an online rogo test. The oral part will be in accordance with the valid Covid automat for the winter semester AY 2021/22 in presence or distance form depending on the current epidemiological situation in the Košice district.
Please note that according to Art. 13, point 9 of the Study rules of procedure UPJŠ MF, when re-registering the study subject, the student is entitled to one regular date and one retake date in a given school year.


Distant exam from Pathological physiology 2020/2021

Written exam 23.8. ROGO
- Monday 12.00

Written exam
- ROGO Monday 14.00 (always in a week when You have the oral exam)
35 questions GM, 30 questions DM
Results available in AIS2. Mark is a part of overall evaluation.
When repeating the exam (failed oral part) it is unnecessary to repeate successful written test (A - E) !!!

Oral part of the exam - Tuesday - Friday
(according to the term in AIS2)
Login to meeting MSTeams: PATFYZ Exams / Skusky - registration 8.30 - 8.45
You get info:
1) Question number - random generator 
2) Examiner - random generator (virtual room: PATFYZ Exam Name
3) Approximate Time (be there at least 30 min before)
4) Other Instructions
Start of exams in general: 9.00

For an objective evaluation of student's oral answer, examiners require continuous visual and auditory connection in appropriate quality with every applicant. Technical responsibility is on the site of applicant. The course of an exam is recorded/ data logged for a departmental use.

More detailed information by teachers in a credit week. Detailed condition for students in exam see in Manuál.

Doc.Beňačka, head

Distant exam from Molecular pathophysiology 2020/2021

Friday 28.5.2021 at 13:30
. Test is to be sent into e-mail of students, which are registered.

We would like to draw the attention of students to register evenly during the study period, i.e. including the early terms of the exam period. To understand, these terms necessarily count in the total volume of offered terms, which from a personal, hygienic and operational point of view Department cannot offer redundantly and at a later request, especially in the current situation. Terms that will not be used will be forfeited.


Syllabus - Distance learning Summer Semester 2020/2021 Week 14 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Summer Semester 2020/2021 Week 13 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Summer Semester 2020/2021 Week 12 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Summer Semester 2020/2021 Week 11 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Summer Semester 2020/2021 Week 10 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Summer Semester 2020/2021 Week 9 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Summer Semester 2020/2021 Week 8 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Summer Semester 2020/2021 Week 7 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Summer Semester 2020/2021 Week 6 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Summer Semester 2020/2021 Week 5 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Summer Semester 2020/2021 Week 4 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Summer Semester 2020/2021 Week 3 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Summer Semester 2020/2021 Week 2 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Summer Semester 2020/2021 Week 1 - GM, DM

The second retake of summer semester credit tests takes place on Monday 14.6.2021 in the following terms:

General Medicine
Test 3 (CVS, hematology, respirology): open test 11:00 - 12:00
Test 5 (Endocrinology, GIT): open test 12:00 - 13:00
Open Questions

Dental Medicine
Test 3 (CVS, hematology, respirology): open test 9:00 - 9:55
Test 5 (Endocrinology, GIT): open test 10:00 - 10:55
Open Questions

Students have to register for retake term at the e-mail address . Registration e-mail has to contain: name, group, study programme (GM/DM), and retaken tests (e.g. test 3 open).

The first retake of summer semester credit tests will take place in the following dates:

General Medicine
Test 3 (CVS, hematology, respirology): Wednesday 26.5.2021 / open test 14:00-15:00 / rogo 15:30-16:30
Test 4 (NS, kidneys): Thursday 27.5.2021 / open test 14:00 - 15:00 / rogo 15:30 - 16:30
Test 5 (Endocrinology GIT): Friday 28.5.2021 / open test 14:00 - 15:00 / rogo 15:30 - 16:30
Open Questions

Dental Medicine
Test 3 (CVS, hematology, respirology): Wednesday 26.5.2021 / open test 13:00 - 13:55 / rogo 14:30 - 15:15
Test 5 (Endocrinology GIT): Friday 28.5.2021 / open test 13:00 - 13:55
Open Questions

Students have to register for retake term at the e-mail address Registration e-mail has to contain: name, group, study programme (GM/DM), and retaken tests (e.g. test 3 open, test 4 rogo).

Fifth credit test

GM rogo 14.5. - 16:30 – 17:30
Open Questions from 18:00 - 55 min. + 5 min. (closing, sending), altogether 60 min.

DM rogo 14.5. - 14:00 – 14:45
Open Questions from 15:15 - 50 min. + 5 min. (closing, sending), altogether 55 min.

Fourth credit test

GM rogo 16.4. - 16:30 – 17:30
Open Questions from 18:00 - 55 min. + 5 min. (closing, sending), altogether 60 min.

DM rogo 16.4. - 14:00 – 14:45
Open Questions from 15:15 - 50 min. + 5 min. (closing, sending), altogether 55 min.

Third credit test

Verify access to Rogo - 25.3.2021 - 08:00-23:00 -
In case of connection problems or the test does not appear, contact

The replacement date for the 3rd credit Rogo test for students GM who could not pass it due to technical problems will be on Friday, March 26, 2021 from 18:00 to 19:00. The test can only be repeated by students who have reported technical problems to the teacher and are allowed to repeat the test.

GM rogo 19.3. - 16:30 – 17:30
Open Questions from 18:00 - 55 min. + 5 min. (closing, sending), altogether 60 min.

DM rogo 19.3. - 14:00 – 14:45
Open Questions from 15:15 - 50 min. + 5 min. (closing, sending), altogether 55 min.

General information about credit tests. It consists of two parts:

1. The test Yes/No
through the Rogo system

Access (sample) to the test system Rogo -

Login data - click. After logging in you will see - click. This means that the login was successful and there is currently no test in the Rogo system for your field. 

If a test for your field is currently included in the system, after logging in you will see the name of the test - click. You will be prompted to enter a password - it is in the test name (1111) - click. Start the test - click. Click to mark the answers Yes / No and end the test by clicking Finish - click.

2. Open Questions

A link to download file - Word (* .docx) will be actual at the specified time.
(It uses service of Office365 SharePoint - you will be prompted to sign with your account Office365)

Download the file on your PC. Then edit the file. Students have to send their filled files to an email account of the group teacher within a 5 minute interval after the time limit denoted for a Open question quiz. Attached file has to contain following obligatory identificators:
name.surnameGrXY where X is a group number, Y means GM or DM. Students are advised to pre-prepare e-mail with teacher's email addresses in advance to save time by simply dropping an attachment and sending it.

Credit test rating

grade - %
A -
100 - 93
B -
92 - 85
C -
84 - 77
D -
76 - 69
E -
68 - 60
Fx -
59 and less

Open Question:
grade - points

- 105 - 98
B - 97 - 90
C - 89 - 81
D - 80 - 72
E - 71 - 63 
FX - 62 and less

A - 60 - 56
B - 55 - 51
C - 50 - 46
D -
45 - 41
E -
40 - 36
Fx -
35 and less

Year 2020

Syllabus of the winter semester 2020/2021

Syllabus - Distance learning Winter Semester 2020/2021 Week 14 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Winter Semester 2020/2021 Week 13 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Winter Semester 2020/2021 Week 12 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Winter Semester 2020/2021 Week 11 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Winter Semester 2020/2021 Week 10 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Winter Semester 2020/2021 Week 9 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Winter Semester 2020/2021 Week 8 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Winter Semester 2020/2021 Week 7 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Winter Semester 2020/2021 Week 6 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Winter Semester 2020/2021 Week 5 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Winter Semester 2020/2021 Week 4 - GM, DM
Syllabus - Distance learning Winter Semester 2020/2021 Week 3 - GM, DM

Syllabus of the summer semester 2019/2020

Syllabus for study weeks

List of Lectures

14th study week GM/DM General medicine (3h)
CT I. Osteoporosis, osteomalatia Degen. disorders of joints; reumatism (Lovásová)
Dentistry (2h)
CT I. Osteoporosis, osteomalatia in dentistry Degen. disorders of joints, reumat. arthritis (Lovásová)
13th study week GM/DM Dentistry (2h)
GIT I. Gastric disorders., Bowel disorders, Liver failure, Jaundice, Portal hypertension (Beňačka)
12th study week GM
12th study week DM
General medicine (3h)
GIT I. Peptic ulcer dis.; Bowel disorders (Beňačka)
GIT II. Liver failure; Pancreatic diseases. Icterus (Beňačka)
Dentistry (2h)
GIT I. Peptic ulcer dis.; Bowel disorders (Beňačka)
GIT II. Liver failure; Pancreatic diseases. Icterus (Beňačka)
11th study week GM/DM General medicine (3h)
DM I. Diabetes mellitus - etiopathogenesis (Rácz)
DM II. Diabetes - manifestation, Insulin resistance (Rácz)
Dentistry (2h)
DM I. Diabetes mellitus DM II. Complications of DM (Rácz)
10th study week GM
10th study week DM
General medicine (3h)
ES II. Supraren disorders; Hypothalamic disorders (Beňačka)
ES III. Thyroid disorders (Beňačka)
Dentistry (2h)
ES I. Hypothalamic - hypophyseal dis. (Beňačka)
ES II. Supraren; thyroid & parathyroid gl. dis. (Beňačka)
9th study week GM
9th study week DM
8th study week GM
8th study week DM
General medicine (3h)
NS IV. Higher NS disorders; Dementia (Beňačka)
ES I. Hypothalamic- hypophyseal.disorders (Beňačka)
Dentistry (2h)
NS IV. Higher NS disorders; Dementia (Beňačka)
NS V. Cerebrovascular diseases – stroke (Beňačka)
7th study week GM
7th study week DM
General medicine (3h)
NS III. Vegetative nervous disorders (Beňačka)
NS IV. Neurodegenerative disorders (Beňačka)
Dentistry (2h)
NS II. Sensory disorders; Pain (Beňačka)
NS III. Vegetative disorders (Beňačka
6th study week GM
6th study week DM
General medicine (3h)
NS I. Motor disorders; weakness, palsy (Beňačka)
NS II. Somatosensory disorders (Beňačka)
Dentistry (2h)
NS I. Motor disorders (Beňačka)
5th study week GM
5th study week DM
General medicine (3h)
NF I. Glomerular & tubulointerst disorders (Beňačka)
NF II. Kidney failure – acute, chronic (uremia) (Beňačka)
Dentistry (2h)
NF I. Glomerulopathies
NF II. Acute & chronic kidney failure (Beňačka)

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