Pregradual education

Online test:
online UPF/PP-GM2/16 rig 19.8.2024, password :1234

Announcement !

Written part of the exam is to be held on Monday 19.8.2024 at 9:00. Students coming presently should come to P3 at 8:30. Students doing distanced exam should log in to the ROGO system and choose the online version via password provided. Duration of the test is 70 minutes.

It is necessary to verify access to the ROGO system in advance -
Date - 15.8.2024 - 00:00-24:00
At the time of the rigorous test, the institute cannot be held responsible for technical difficulties.

In case of connection problems or you do not see the test, contact or

The retake of winter semester credit tests (1st and 2nd general pathophysiology credit tests) for General Medicine and Dental Medicine students will take place on Friday, May 24, 2024 at 10:00 in Practical room (1st floor). 

The first retake of summer semester credit tests (3rd and 4th special pathophysiology credit tests) for General Medicine and Dental Medicine students will take place on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 11:00 in P2 room (2nd floor). 

The second retake of summer semester credit tests (3rd and 4th special pathophysiology credit tests) for General Medicine and Dental Medicine students will take place on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at 11:00 in P2 room (2nd floor). 

Students have to register for retake term at the e-mail address . The registration e-mail has to contain: name, group, study programme (GM/DM), and retaken tests (Y/N test 1,2,3, 4; open test 1,2,3,4).

Announcement !
Students with the status of a student with specific needs recognized by the dean of the faculty must bring the confirmation to the written and oral parts of the final exam !

The written part of the rigorous test will take place through the ROGO system.
It is necessary to test the connection to the ROGO module in advance !!!
At the time of the rigorous test, the institute cannot be held responsible for technical difficulties.

It is necessary to verify access to the ROGO system in advance - Dates:
10.5.2024 - 00:00-24:00 and / or
13.5.2024 - 00:00-24:00 and / or 
15.5.2024 - 00:00-24:00
In case of connection problems or you do not see the test, contact or

The second retake of winter semester credit tests (1st and 2nd general pathophysiology tests) for General Medicine and Dental Medicine students will take place on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at 10:00 in PB room.

Students have to register for retake term at the e-mail : . The registration e-mail has to contain: name, group, study programme (GM/DM), and retaken tests (Y/N test 1, 2; open test 1, 2).

The first retake of winter semester credit tests (1st and 2nd general pathophysiology tests) for General Medicine and Dental Medicine students will take place on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 10:00 in P1 room (2nd floor). 

Students have to register for retake term at the e-mail addresses . The registration e-mail has to contain: name, group, study programme (GM/DM), and retaken tests (Y/N test 1, 2; open test 1, 2).

Notice for students - the second registration of the course Pathological physiology 2 (4th. year)

We ask students to submit the application form for the recognition of practical exercises from the previous year to the head of the institute in the first three weeks of the winter semester of the relevant academic year. Students follow the Study Regulations, Art. 8 and Art. 13.
Students who do not do so will repeat the entire summer semester in that academic year.

General information about credit tests (topics see below). It consists of two parts:

1. The test Yes/No through the Rogo system or written during lesson

Access (sample) to the test system Rogo -

Login data - click. After logging in you will see - click. This means that the login was successful and there is currently no test in the Rogo system for your field. 

If a test for your field is currently included in the system, after logging in you will see the name of the test - click. You will be prompted to enter a password - it is in the test name (1111) - click. Start the test - click. Click to mark the answers Yes / No and end the test by clicking Finish - click.

2. Open Questions - written during lesson or distanced:

A link to download file - Word (* .docx) will be actual at the specified time.
(It uses service of Office365 SharePoint - you will be prompted to sign with your account Office365)

Download the file on your PC. Then edit the file. Students have to send their filled files to an email account of the group teacher within a 5 minute interval after the time limit denoted for a Open question quiz. Attached file has to contain following obligatory identificators:
name.surnameGrXY where X is a group number, Y means GM or DM. Students are advised to pre-prepare e-mail with teacher's email addresses in advance to save time by simply dropping an attachment and sending it.

Credit test rating

grade - %
A -
100 - 93
B -
92 - 85
C -
84 - 77
D -
76 - 69
E -
68 - 60
Fx -
59 and less

Account Office365

To use Office365 services we strongly recommend that students activate their office365 account.

How to register for an online lecture via Microsoft Teams

1. Online study in Pathological Physiology 1 will take place at the time indicated in the timetable
2. Log on to
3. Enter your official university email address in the form
4. After logging in, MS teams will offer you the option to download the application or log in via the web application. Choose any option that suits you.
5. After opening the Microsoft Teams page, click on "Teams" in the left vertical bar.
6. When the "Teams" page opens, click on "Join or create a team" in the upper right corner.
7. After opening the "Join or create a team" page, MS teams will provide you with several options, one of which is "Connect to a team with a code". Enter the code that was communicated to you via AIS and confirm it by clicking on "Join team"

Dear colleagues,

if you are interested in the AIS2 is optional subject "Molecular Pathophysiology" and "Clinical Pathophysiology", which are an extension of the subject Pathological physiology in summer semester. The subjects are organized into 6 blocks (2-3 hours) and focuses mainly on the extension of knowledge from pathological processes at the cellular level (genetics, inflammation, carcinogenesis, canalopathy, cell signaling, oxidative stress, cellular damage and death, ...) Active participation is naturally one of the extra activities that is also taken in the evaluation of Pathological Physiology.

Re:The subject has a long history, has gone through several content changes and names, as a compulsory subject of the III.year (at the turn of the millennium 1996-2006). Due to the nature of the content, it is a little more demanding than other choices, but with professional focus and correct assessment, the choice of students who, in addition to obtaining credits, want to consolidate the knowledge in medicine.

Credits an exams

Requirements for credits, control system during terms and evaluation of students knowledge at examination.
Semestral work - instructions for preparation
Study literature GM - winter semester
Study literature GM - summer semester
Study literature DM - winter semester
Study literature DM - summer semester
Topics of 1st credit test - GM (October/2023)
Topics of 1st credit test - DM (October/2023)
Topics of 2nd credit test - GM (December/2023)
Topics of 2nd credit test - DM (December/2023)
Topics of 3rd credit test GM (March/2024)
Topics of 3rd credit test DM (March/2024)
Topics of 4th credit test GM (April/2024)
Topics of 4th credit test DM (April/2024)

Academic Information System - login

Consultation hours

Consultation hours

Winter semester


Time schedule of lectures and lessons of Dept. of Pathophysiology in Winter term of academic year 2023/2024. (20.9.2023)
Version for B/W printing


Schedule of the lectures and tutorials from Pathological physiology, General Medicine, Winter semester, Academic year 2023/2024 (01.11.2023)

Schedule of the lectures and tutorials from Pathological physiology, Dentistry, Winter semester, Academic year 2023/2024 (14.9.2023)

Summer semester


Time schedule of lectures and lessons of Dept. of Pathophysiology in Summer term of academic year 2023/2024 (9.2.2024).
Version for B/W printing


Schedule of the lectures and tutorials from Pathological physiology, General Medicine, Summer semester, Academic year 2023/2024 (13.2.2024)

Schedule of the lectures and tutorials from Pathological physiology, Dentistry, Summer semester, Academic year 2023/2024 (13.2.2024)

Program of pregradual education - Molecular pathophysiology 3rd study year

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